Vedic literature of India claims to be the oldest texts only after the literatures of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization. They are regarded as the oldest literature of Sanskrit and Hinduism. The Sanskrit term Veda means knowledge. They have been written in Sanskrit language. There are four Vedas, the Rig Veda, the Sama Veda, the Yajur Veda and the Atharv Veda. These are four feet on which Hindu civilization stands. Each veda has again been classified in to the Arnyakas, the Brahmans and the Upnishad. The first compilation the Rig Veda is the oldest of the four Samhitas or collection. It is a collection of about 1028 Vedic Sanskrit hymns and about 10,000 verses in all. Rig Veda is organized in to 10 books. These books are called Mandals. The hymns of Rig Veda express peoples reaction to the wonder of existence, the beauty of the earth and power of existence. As the ritualistic religion developed the need for hymn which could be sung was felt, this let to the origin of the second compilation Sama Veda. Saman means song or melody. It consist of about 1875 verses and all of it except 75 verses are borrowed from the Rigveda. The recited poems of the Rigveda here becomes the hymn song. The third compilation Yajur Veda consists of about 2,000 mantras, which are mostly in the prose from. the word 'yajas' means sacrificial formula hence it consists of statements about the emerges officiated by Hotr, Udgatr and Adhvarya priests. Atharv Veda is also called as Veda of magical formula. Out of four Vedas it was latest in origin and it grew up when the preists started producing spell of magic and sorcery directed against diseases, demons and enemies.
The concluding part of Vedas are Brahmans, Aranyakas and Upnishads. Brahmans are the explanations of Brahmans or learned person about a ritual. They also contain myth, legend and philosophy. There are about 19 Brahmans texts available at present. Brahmans are attached to all the four Vedas. Aranya is a Sanskrit word which means forest, so Aranaykas were written by the thinkers who were retired from the society to forest in the last stage of their life. The term Upnishad means the sitting down (of the pupil) near the teacher for a secret communication. They are also called as Vedanta which means the concluding part of Vedas. Upnishad are the foundation of Hindu philosophy. These three text are also called as Shruti. They are not supposed to be human creation. They exit from eternity. All the related texts which grew up around the Vedas are called as Smriti, Smriti means memory. They are classified in to six Vedangs which mean limbs of Vedas. Vedangs are six in number namely Kalpa Sutra has again been divided into Saruta Sutra, Grih Sutra and Dharma Sutra. Sulva Sutra which is part of Saruta Sutra is regarded as oldest book of mathematics. Hence we can say that Vedic literature of India has given international name and fame of Indian literature. They are pride of Hindu civilization.
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