Hindu Trinity or Trimurti is a concept in Hinduism which consists of three gods namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva or Mahesh. In this trinity the cosmic function of creation, maintenance and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma, the creator, Vishnu. the maintainer or preserver and Shiva, the destroyer. These three Gods represents three highest manifestations of the one ultimate reality. Each God in the Trinity has his wife; to Brahma is Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge. For Vishnu is Laxmi, the goddess of wealth; for Shiva is Kali (Parvati), the goddess of power and destruction. The first one Brahma is considered as the mystical creator. He is the particular energy of evolution. Many Hindus believe that all other Gods originate from Brahma. Like other Gods he sits upon lotus throne. His four faces stands for four corners of the universe. Brahma is the very first light which radiates at the time of creation. Vishnu on the other hand is the administrator. Whenever the sacred law fails and evil powers raises its head, Vishnu takes birth to root out the sinners and to re-establish law and order. His role is to maintain a balance between good and evil forces in the universe. For this he returns to the Earth in different forms both animal and human. These forms are called Avatars (incarnations). In Hindu religion there are ten avatars of Vishnu namely Matsya, Kurma, Varah, Narsimha, Vaman, Parshurama, Raama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki. The third God Shiva is worshipped as the destroyer or purifier. Like Vishnu Shiva also appears in many forms (avatars). However the most widely known is that of Shiva Nataraja, the lord of dance. Shiva dances in the halo of fire, as he dances he destroys the demons of ignorance. Around his arms and neck he wears deadly snakes. The snakes symbolises his power over evil forces. He is worshipped as Bholenath, Mahadev etc. Hinduism is polytheistic religion which means that its followers believe in more than one God. Many Hindus believe that they represents three properties of one God. Together they represent the concept of birth, death and rebirth, Together they form the Hindu Trinity.
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